How To Stop Trainers Smelling

When you exercise, your body produces sweat.

This sweat goes into your clothes and makes them smell, which is why you need to make sure you wash all of your gym gear or workout clothes!

But what about your trainers? Your feet sweat, just like any other part of your body.

You probably notice it when you finish your workout and take your socks off to jump in the shower.

The sweat goes into your trainers. Sweat can lead to a buildup of bacteria which then causes unpleasant odors.

How do you stop your trainers from smelling bad?

Read our helpful guide to find out how to keep your kicks smelling fresh!

Keep Your Shoes Dry!

Moisture and warmth provide the best conditions for bacteria to grow.

The faster you dry out your shoes, the less chance the bacteria will have to multiply and the better your shoes will smell.

If the weather outside is warm then leave your shoes in the sun for an hour when you take them off.

This will dry them out. If it is cold, you can put them underneath a radiator in your home.

You could also try stuffing them with newspaper, as the newspaper will absorb the moisture from inside the shoes.

Make sure that your feet are completely dry before you put your shoes on.

If you are getting out of the shower or you have been swimming outdoors, dry your feet thoroughly with a towel before putting your shoes on - including in between your toes!

Freeze Your Trainers

This might sound weird- why would you put your trainers in the freezer?

But it can be very useful when it comes to killing bacteria.

Bacteria need warmth to grow and multiply, and putting your shoes in the freezer prevents the bacteria from getting the heat they need.

Put your shoes in a plastic bag or a container then put them in the freezer for a few hours.

It won't kill all of the bacteria, but it will get rid of some and prevent the growth of more.

Make sure you take them out in plenty of time before you want to wear them again.

Rotate Your Shoes

If you workout every day, then there is a chance that your trainers will not have fully dried out before it is time for you to wear them again.

If you have more than one pair of trainers then you should try and rotate them rather than wearing the same ones every day.

This will give the shoes more time to dry out and will also help them to last longer.

Wash Your Trainers

Did you know that you can wash your trainers?

Some brands of running trainers recommend washing your shoes every two months (depending on how much use they get).

This is particularly important if you suffer from chronic sweating or if you struggle with recurrent fungal infections.

Make sure you check the manufacturer's advice before washing your trainers.

Some trainers can only be hand-washed, while others can be washed in the machine in a gentle setting.

Control The Odor

The bad odors from sweat are caused by an acid - isovaleric acid. The best way to neutralize acid is with an alkaline.

This means that you can get rid of bad smells in your trainers by using baking soda.

Try sprinkling a teaspoon of baking soda into each shoe and gently spreading it around.

Leave it on the shoe overnight and then tip it out the next day.

You can also use the sachets of silica gel that come with some products like shoes and handbags.

They are specifically designed to absorb moisture and will help to prevent your trainers from smelling bad.

Some people put dry tea bags inside their shoes to help absorb excess moisture and release pleasant odors to counteract the bad ones.

Deodorizing Spray

You can get a deodorizing spray for your shoes.

It works similarly to deodorant for your body, but instead of using it on your skin, you spray it onto the shoe to help combat sweat and odor.

It is designed to penetrate fibers to quickly remove bacteria and smells.

As well as deodorizing spray, you can also get deodorizing foot pads to go inside your shoe and deodorizing powders.

You could also try using a fabric spray that is designed for furniture or carpets.

Choose The Right Shoes

If you know that your feet get very sweaty, you should try and look for shoes with mesh panels.

This will make the trainers more breathable and will help to prevent the build-up of moisture in the shoe.

If air gets in and out of the trainers then they will dry faster and fewer bacteria will grow, which means fewer bad smells.

Always Wear Socks

Some people choose not to wear socks with their shoes.

If you don't wear socks, then there is no barrier between the sweat coming off your foot and the material inside your shoe.

Your trainer will absorb all of the sweat.

If you wear socks then they will absorb the majority of the sweat from your feet and it is really easy to just pop the socks in the wash when you are done.

You can get special sports socks that are designed to absorb moisture and keep your feet dry.

You can also get socks that are antibacterial to help reduce the risk of conditions such as athlete's foot.

Using specialized socks like this will help to prevent your shoes from getting too sweaty and smelly.

Keep Your Feet Healthy

Keeping your feet in condition will help you to keep your trainers in good condition.

Wash your feet regularly, and use antibacterial soap if you sweat a lot.

Change your socks at least once a day, but more often if you have very sweaty feet.

Make sure you keep your toenails nice and short and remove any dirt from underneath them.

Remove any hard or dead skin with a foot file and use a body butter or moisturizer to keep the skin smooth.

You can also get medicated foot creams to help with bacterial infections.


These tips and tricks might seem simple, but they are a great way to ensure that your trainers smell fresh!