How To Clean White Trainers

White trainers are a great addition to any outfit for men and women. Keeping them nice and clean is the challenge. There are a few key steps you need to take to ensure you clean your white trainers properly.

What trainer cleaning equipment will you need?

  • Clean, damp cloth to clean your trainers

  • Another clean cloth to wipe off excess dirt and moisture

  • Soft bristle brush or toothbrush to get stubborn mud or stains off

  • Cleaning solution such as reshoeven8r

  • A towel to dry your trainers

Once you have the equipment you need, follow these steps:

  1. Remove excess dirt and mud

  2. Take the laces off and soak them

  3. Clean the outside of your trainers

  4. Use WD40 on stubborn stains

  5. Air dry your laces and trainers

  6. Apply trainer protection/waterproof spray

  7. Things NOT to do when cleaning your white trainers.

1. Remove excess dirt and mud

You should use the soft bristle brush or dedicated trainer brush to get off any excess dirt and mud off your white trainers. Preferably you would have waited for the mud to dry before you do this. To prevent this in the future, you could take some wipes with you to remove any mud as soon as it goes on your trainers to prevent stains.

2. Take the laces off and soak them

A quick way to freshen up your white trainers is to remove the laces and soak them in detergent or cleaning solution. You can also do this if you are cleaning your whole trainer as it will look odd if you had off colour laces and clean white trainers. Once soaked, you can air dry the laces as well.

3. Clean the outside of your trainers

Using your first damp cloth or toothbrush, which you placed in some cleaning solution such as washing up liquid or a dedicated cleaning product such as reshoeven8r, gently rub off any stains and remaining dirt. Once you have done this, use your second cloth to wipe off any excess moisture. For this you could use an e-cloth or other household cloth.

If your trainers are canvas, do not reach for the biological detergent, use washing up liquid instead. If they are canvas, you can use a product such as the Vanish Action Gel to get off tough stains.

4. How to clean white leather trainers

If you have leather trainers, avoid using anything too harsh and nothing more than a soft brush. If you have canvas trainers, dip your cloth into a washing up liquid solution and then use another damp cloth with only water to wipe off the solution applied.

5. Use WD40 on stubborn stains

If you have some really stubborn stains, applying some WD40, leaving this on for about a minute and then wiping this down with a clean cloth should hopefully help remove these. For example, if you have white leather trainers, doing this can remove stains from grass, mud and food.

6. Air dry your laces and trainers

It is important that you do not put your trainers in direct sunlight, a tumble dryer, near radiators or anything else that could cause your trainers to deform. Place your trainers in a well ventilated room which avoids direct sunlight.

7. Run on a cold wash or sensitive setting and use a high colour detergent

In order for the colours not to run and stay vibrant, it is recommended that you wash your trainers on a cold wash and use a high colour detergent. Preferably you would put the detergent in some kind of dosing ball or container and place this in with your trainers. You can usually find a setting on your washing machine that is around 45 minutes or whatever the easy care and cold setting.

Air dry your trainers

We could recommend that your air dry your trainers. Preferably outside (but not in direct sunlight), but if not, place them in a well ventilated room at normal room temperature for optimal drying. You could also place them on an indoor air dryer or anywhere with good indoor ventilation.

Apply trainer protection/waterproof spray

In order for all of your good work not to go to waste, it would be advisable to spray your trainers with some water proof spray or other protective products. Some products you can use are:

  • Reshoeven8r Water and stain repellant

  • Crep Protect

  • Sneaky Spray

  • Kiwi Sneaker Protector

Most common reasons white trainers get dirty and worn

  • You aren’t using protective spray

  • You are not wiping them down when you wear them in bad weather

  • You are not cleaning them regularly enough

Most common questions when washing trainer in the washing machine

Is it safe to wash your white trainers in the washing machine?

Yes it is as long as you follow some guidance. We have written a guide on how to put trainers in the washing machine.

Can you clean white leather trainers?

Yes, but do not use an abrasive brush or cloth. Use a soft cloth like an e-cloth.

Can you clean white trainers without ruining them?

Yes, follow the steps above. Do not use harsh detergent or too much solution. A small amount and a damp cloth is a good start. The reshoeven8r product also works very well.

Can I clean white mesh on my trainers?

We will write a further guide on this, but yes you can. In short use some WD40 or some Vanish action gel and a damp cloth.


Cleaning white trainers is a bit trickier than normal trainer as you can make them look worse if you rub the stain further into the fabric or leather. Less is more then it comes to using any cleaning solution or cleaning utensils such as brushes and cloths.