How To Clean White Leather Trainers

White trainers should be stored away from any direct light source to avoid fading.

Yellowing may occur due to oxidation, but it won't affect the reflective properties of the shoe.

Your trainers should always be cleaned regularly, but too much cleaning can make them lose their shine.

Try to avoid getting your trainers dirty by walking carefully.

How To Clean White Trainers

Lace up your shoes before putting them in the washing machine. Make sure you take the laces out first.

Then put them in the washing machine without any detergent. Let them sit there until they're clean.

Don't use any kind of fabric softener. You should also wash your socks separately.

Quick Clean

Make sure you allow your white trainers to air-dry. Try not to rub them in the dirt.

Shoes should always be cleaned before wearing them. Dirt can cause blisters and infections if you wear dirty shoes.

You can clean your shoes by knocking the soles together and then rubbing off the dirt.

Deep Clean

You should wash your sneakers by hand instead of throwing them in the washing machine.

Doing so will prevent any damage to your shoes.

You should wash your trainers in warm water mixed with some washing powder or detergent.

Then you should dip your brush into the mixture and clean each part of the shoes. Finally, you should wipe them dry with a cloth.

Tough Stains

We all know that in the case of accidental spills, we should always use a toothbrush to remove stains.

Toothpaste works well as a cleaner. You can also use a damp cloth to get rid of the foam.


Laces should be washed separately from shoes because if you put them both together into one washing machine, the laces could get tangled up.

You can also use a laundry bag instead of a separate plastic bag. Laces should be replaced regularly.

You can mix them with other colors or patterns to make them more interesting.


Each step can be followed one after another and once completed make sure the white trainers are left to air dry.

Do this by placing on a towel or a tile kitchen floor and leaving for 24 hours.

Whatever the case, do not place them on a radiator as it may cause the glue to melt and the soles of your sneakers might become unstuck.

Banish Stubborn Stains

To get rid of grass stains, spray WD-40 onto the stain and wipe off with a clean cloth.

Spray Vanish Oxi Action gel onto the stain and let it sit for 5 minutes. Then flush the area with water and allow them to air dry.

Spray To Keep Them White

Spray your trainers with a Nikwax shoe protector before you wear them out. It will protect your shoes from water and stains.

Eradicating Clingy Stains

Toothpaste works great as a stain remover. Just rub it onto stains and then use a wet cloth to wipe them away.

How to Clean White Shoelaces

Shoelaces, especially white ones, can make your shoes dirty.

If you've got dirty shoelaces, don't worry about them because it's very simple to clean them.

Just take off the laces and put them into the washing machine. You can also buy new laces for cheap online.

How To Keep White Trainers Waterproof

Your sneakers should be covered in a waterproofing spray to avoid the outdoor elements ruining the shoe.

A waterproofing spray is ideal to use before running out in the rain, or general unpredictable weather.

Can You Put Shoes In The Washing Machine?

Don't use the washing machine on high heat to clean your shoes. You'll damage them.

Instead, you should wash them by hand using soap and water, or if you really want to use the washing machine, use it on low heat.

Cleaning white trainers takes a lot of effort and dedication. You should try to do it every week or two if possible.

Don't give up after a few tries because it could take several days to get rid of stains. Spray new shoes before you wear them out.

How To Wash Trainers In The Washing Machine

Leather trainers can usually be washed in the washing machine. Remove the insoles first, then the laces.

Don't forget to put the trainers inside a pillowcase. Put a few dishcloths in the machine to prevent damage.

Tie the laces together and put them in the machine at the same time.

Don't use hot water when washing your shoes, or you'll end up with shrunken ones.

Wash them gently on a cold setting, hang them up to dry, and avoid using the radiator.

How Not To Wash Trainers

Never put your trainers in the washer at a high temperature. Hand washes only! Don't wash multiple pairs at once.

Don't put shoes in the washing machine if you can avoid it. Don't use bleach, unless you are very careful.

A stain remover will usually work. Don't put shoes in the drier.

The high heat will damage the glue that keeps them together and could make them shrink.

Final Thoughts

Keeping your sneakers white isn't easy.

But there are some simple steps you can take to ensure that your favorite pair stays fresh and crisp throughout the season.

First, when it comes to cleaning your footwear, we recommend using a damp cloth (not water) and rubbing gently in circles.

Next, use a dry cloth to remove any dirt and grime, and then apply a coat of shoe polish.

Finally, let your shoes air out overnight before putting them back on.

To clean your shoes, start by taking them off and laying them flat on a surface that won't get dirty.

Use a damp cloth or brush to remove dirt and grime. Then use a dry cloth or brush to polish your shoes.

Shoes should be treated before using them. Stain and water repellents are very important.

You need to treat your shoes right away when you get them because stains or water spots can ruin your shoes.

Use waterproofing sprays on your shoes. Don't forget to do this every few months.